As I get off of my nannying job thankful to the parents who let me go early even after the girl who was to cover canceled on me I went to cash a check, now folks this check was written out to a business. To those of you who don't know, I hate, hate, hate accepting checks for services rendered. I have had large checks bounce on me. I have had checks drawn on closed accounts. And I have dealt with identity theft on checks, it's not enjoyable when your bank calls to tell you that the check you just deposited will not actually be credited to your account. So instead I use Square.
I prefer Square. It's amazing, I have had no problems. I finally get home after opening yet another bank account and talking with a client and mentor to find out that it is 6.45pm and I have NO POWER, a semi hit the pole that brings power to my sleepy town and took out our supply. No power, that means no lights in my laundry room, no a/c (it has been in the 90's all week and feeling like it was in the 100's), and I can't scan my documents for backups or to leave copies anywhere. So what did I do? I call my best friend and freak out that I have no power, then I get to work assembling all of my stuff for the next 31 days and all of the stuff I need to hold & host business meeting which is totally different than the stuff needed to backpack across Europe. There in lies a problem, how much stuff is in my bag that I don't need to take overseas? Answer: about 15-20lbs, but this nanny is prepared with a ever standing UPS account.
So I pack, (I promise I'll post photos), power comes on (yay!!!) I clean, shower, and I fold laundry, I go to bed, power goes out at 23.30. So we leave to go stay at Dan & Sheila's. I need to be up at 05.30 and that isn't going to happen if I am all sweaty gross all night.
I'm thankful to have been able to sleep in the A/c. I'm thankful to have remembered everything. I most thankful I woke up to my alarm.
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